Scope of informatica didactica
informatica didactica appears twice a year in electronic form. It will be permanently stored on the servers of the working group
Didactics of Computer Science at the
Univ. of Potsdam
All articles may be accessed free of charge.
informatica didactica is predominantly dedicated to articles on didactic and methodical concepts involved in teaching computer science methods and ways of thinking within all approaches and on every level of computer science education at schools and universities as well as during vocational training.
Most solicited are research results on didactic concepts and methodical solutions
- for teaching certain subjects of computer science on all levels at schools and universities
- for interdisciplinary lessons or projects with computer science as one of the subjects involved
- for using the computer or the internet as a media or a tool within computer science or its interdisciplinary fields
- for teaching information technology from the point of view of computer science education
- for introducing new ways of teaching using the computer, e.g. self-determined learning, computer assisted learning, teleteaching within computer science or its interdisciplinary fields.